Mini dental implants are great dental restorations that help you replace your missing teeth. That’s right—they are just like normal dental implants, only smaller. These restorations can help you secure a tooth-replacement restoration so you can have the beautiful smile you have always wanted. Some restorations they can support include dentures, dental bridges, dental crowns, loose dentures, and lower arch dentures.
Mini dental implants come in handy when your underlying bone has been compromised so much that it cannot support a full implant. However, it can support the smaller implants because the treatment is less invasive and the implants don’t require as much support from the bone. Fortunately, the process involved in placing the mini implants only requires one trip to Institute of Dental Implants and Periodontics. During the appointment, your dentists, Drs. Domagala or Shango, will place the implants while using anesthesia and without using sutures.
It’s important to care for your mini dental implants regularly after they have been placed in your mouth. You can do so by brushing, flossing, and rinsing as instructed. You also need to attend your six-month check-ups.
To learn more about mini dental implants in Gurnee, Illinois, please call Institute of Dental Implants and Periodontics at 847-662-3414 at your earliest convenience. Drs. Domagala and Shango will be happy to teach you more!